Month: April 2012

Business, Life and Law in Texas

April 18, 2012 I think that title covers everything.  In Texas, all of those things are possible.  Some would say that in Texas, all is possible; we leave that question for another day.  But today, the question is – how to turn the possible into the real.  This blog discusses ideas to help someone do just that. This blog does that by discussing two areas chiefly: (1) business law, and (2) estate planning.  By extension and necessity,this blog does delve into questions of tax law from time to time.   Therefore, this blog will be of interest to anyone who has two primary concerns: building a business with risk management in mind, and ensuring that he or she can preserve the fruits of his or her labor for themselves, for their families, and for the future. We plan on discussing some foundational matters in estate planning law, and then shifting to some of the basics of business law.  As we open up some more of the issues, we’ll peek into some developments in this area as …