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The 12 Days of Tax Deductions

This will be a short post, and it’s a slight departure from our normal subject matter, but it ties in tangentially with our normal focus.

On December 10, NPR’s Morning Edition started a limited, daily segment on its weekday program.  The segment addresses the various tax deductions and credits that are subject to the ongoing fiscal cliff negotiations and that could disappear on January 1.  In light of the holiday season, the series is named, appropriately, 12 Days of Tax Deductions.  It began on December 10 and concludes tomorrow, Christmas Day.  The first segment can be found here – http://www.npr.org/2012/12/10/166858489/12-days-of-tax-deductions, and all subsequent entries can be found by going to the Morning Edition page here – http://www.npr.org/programs/morning-edition/ – entering the date of the show, and scrolling down to the tax story.

If we get a good response to this, we can post more about the tax deductions, but in the meantime, have a great listen, and Happy Holidays!

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